Portland Activist @kevinvdahlgren Offers Insight into Taxpayer-Funded Drug Injection Site in Vancouver, BC, Canada

In a rare glimpse provided by Portland activist @kevinvdahlgren, viewers get an inside look at a taxpayer-funded drug injection site in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The footage reveals individuals so heavily influenced by drugs that they are found unconscious, face-first in their food. This phenomenon draws attention to the existence of similar injection sites funded in … Read more

Candace Owens demolishes former CNN host Chris Cuomo after he got upset that she called Vladimir Putin intelligent.

From PBD Podcast [Youtube: Reaction To Biden’s State of The Union Speech w/ Candace Owens & Chris Cuomo | PBD Podcast | Ep. 378] The audience burst out laughing when Owens said she wasn’t going to let Cuomo humiliate himself and blasted him for sharing Cold War propaganda. “Chris, there’s no reason to do this, … Read more

Vivek ramaswamy refused to Back away for Supporting DONALD TRUMP

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, Vivek Ramaswamy, the Republican presidential candidate, stood firm in his commitment to support Donald Trump if the former president were to secure the nomination again. Ramaswamy also expressed his belief in a perceived “deranged mental cultural state in the media” when it comes to Trump Stephanopoulos … Read more

Starfield, Dr. disrespect. what are your pronouns

Starfield’s recent Early Access release has stirred up several controversies within just a few days. The most recent one has led to a mass refund movement among players and caused some streamers to have emotional outbursts. This uproar originates from the game’s inclusion of a feature that allows players to select their preferred pronouns during … Read more